74 Acuan Judul Makalah Dalam Bahasa Inggris Modern

74 Contoh Judul Makalah dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Jika Anda ingin mencari suatu judul makalah, maka disinilah tempatnya. Berikut terdapat 74 judul makalah yang ada di dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu menjadi acuan yang berarti bagi penelitian Anda.


  1. The Impact of Information and Technology in Education

  2. Definition, Function, History, and Damage of Mobile Phone

  3. The Effect of School Libraries on Quality Education in School

  4. The Importance of Science in Our Life

  5. Paper as a Science and Education as a System

  6. The Importance of Early Education for Children under Five years

  7. The Use of Kompos as a Fertilizer in Plantation

  8. The Danger of Smoking for Health

  9. The Advantages of Healthy Life

  10. The Advantages of Sport for our Health

  11. The Impact of Alcohol for Our Body

  12. The Disadvantages of the rise of Gasoline Price

  13. The Function of Teacher in Learning Activity

  14. Ways to Prevent Global Warming

  15. The process of Rain Formed

  16. The Process of Making rainbow Cake

  17. The Danger of Drugs for Teenagers

  18. The Danger of Teenager Delinquency

  19. How to Create a Healthy Environment

  20. The Prevention of Bullying In School

  21. Bullying as Students Enemy in School

  22. Drugs in adolescence

  23. Drugs Addiction and Drugs Abuse

  24. The Issue of Teenager Delinquency 

  25. Problems Faced by the Government for the Respect, Recognition and Enforcement of Law and Human Rights

  26. Islamic Law in Selling Transaction

  27. The Rule of Law in Society

  28. Criminal law and Justice System in Indonesia is Different

  29. The Role of Computer in Human Activity

  30. Information Systems Strategy to Teach Advance Speaking

  31. How to install XAMPP Application on your Facebook



  34. Drug Abuse in Adolescent Society

  35. The Important of Environmental cleanliness in School

  36. The Danger of Air Pollution for Respiration System

  37. Technology Based-Learning

  38. Efforts to preserve an environmental

  39. Mother Role in Children Growth

  40. Influence of Socio-cultural Change to Education

  41. Character Education for Indonesia In the globalization masa

  42. The Role of Parents towards Child Education

  43. [sc:kodeadsense]

  44. Positive and Negative Impact of Technology Progress to Education

  45. The Use of Audio Visual Media for Childhood Education

  46. Educational Curriculum in Indonesia

  47. Problems of Indonesian Education System

  48. The Latest Issues of Education in Indonesia

  49. The Importance of Sex Education for Teenager

  50. Education Policy in Indonesia

  51. Importance of Equality Education for Women

  52. How to Overcome Cultural Against Globalization

  53. How to Recycle Paper Papers

  54. Papers Factors Affecting Embodiment Classroom Management

  55. Papers Educational Planning Function

  56. Papers Function Teachers in Teaching and Learning

  57. Papers Function Teachers in Teaching Learning Process

  58. Islamic Law Papers Buy-Sell Foreign Currency

  59. Papers success of Islamic Education in Indonesia

  60. Papers Linkage Chemistry with Mathematical Logic

  61. Platform Papers Education in Indonesia

  62. The foundation of philosophical papers Pancasila

  63. The Meaning of Educational Psychology and Learning Principles

  64. Papers Relationship with Psychological Science and Library Science

  65. Papers Philosophy of Science and Logic

  66. Social Psychology Papers on Social Status Differences

  67. Religious Purpose and Worldly Papers in Education

  68. Papers Philosophy of Islamic Education

  69. Values-Based Moral Character Education

  70. The content values in the Character Education

  71. Education As a means of strengthening Leading National Character

  72. Role of Literature in Character Education

  73. Strengthening human character through Education

  74. Pros and Contras of the Change of Educational Curriculum in Indonesia

  75. The Difference between Curriculum 2013 and Curriculum based on Text


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